Itching, reddening, blisters and pleasant scent
An increasing number of people are suffering from allergies to cosmetic products, which can trigger skin irritation or even eczema. One of the most common contact allergies is perfume allergy. This is not surprising as scents are popular and contained in almost all cosmetics products. A pleasant scent makes us feel good and clean. This is why many manufacturers use perfumes that can also leave a bitter aftertaste. Because these are the very scents that trigger skin rashes and contact eczema.
Symptoms of perfume allergy
Symptoms of perfume allergy often appear when the skin gets into direct contact with a non-tolerated perfume with a delay of around one day. The resulting allergic reactions can vary in severity. The most common, and at the same time milder, symptoms show in the form of reddening and itching of the affected skin area. However, small blisters, weeping or crusts are classed as a more severe allergic reaction to the care product used.
Good to know: the majority of skin rashes are often only a stimulus-response to the care product rather than a skin allergy. Stimulus responses occur immediately after using a perfumed care product, whereas skin allergies only show on the skin one day later.
Without perfume yet still scented?
Perfumes can originate from plants or be produced synthetically. Natural perfumes are often called essential oils. Unfortunately, both synthetic and essential oils can cause skin rashes and irritation. People with sensitive skin, therefore, have to ensure that they use products without perfume.
“Scent allergies are the most common contact allergies of all. Women are more frequently affected than men. This is why most Louis Widmer products are also unscented.”
Louis Widmer care products
People with a perfume allergy often reach the end of their tether when searching for suitable care products. As one of few brands, Louis Widmer has been offering almost all of its products with and without perfume for over 60 years. The growing number of people suffering from highly sensitive skin are particularly dependent on products that contain no perfume whatsoever. To offer quality products to people suffering from allergies as well, Louis Widmer closely collaborates with dermatologists when developing its care products.